Appearing on Bench Side Story

Firstly, don’t be intimidated by the process of being filmed! We’re here to show you in your best light and give our audience insight into you, and your work at a high level. The final piece will be produced professionally and with anyone in your organization needing oversight, to be alerted and given opportunity to review and approve the interview, if required.

Who is AUDIENCED and People Filmed?
Bench Side Story is owned by AUDIENCED, an Australia Company, led by an Executive Producer and Director accredited by the Australian Film Institute and Screen Producers Australia. The company commenced operations in 2012 and produces a range of online shows, in health and sustainability. For more details visit

Sales of media packages on Bench Side Story is handled by our agency People Filmed.

Enquiries can be made here Contact Us Form with details of who should be considered for interview (earned media request or a sales enquiry). 

What does Bench Side Story broadcast through it’s channels?

  • Research profiles
  • Case studies at any stage of research
  • Impact to population health, reported by organisations involved in medical research.

Where can the content come from?

Anywhere in World from one of the following types of organisations

  • Research Institutes
  • Academic institutions
  • Hospitals and clinics
  • Health charities
  • Not-for-profit industry associations

Who records filmed footage and interviews?

Either by your media team, or by us.

Registering someone or yourself for an interview
You can either email the Producer directly or complete the Contact Us Form with details of who should be considered for interview (earned media request or a sales enquiry). The interviews can be of anyone in medical research, anywhere in the world.

Preparing for an Interview
We’ve put together a set of instructions to read before an interview. These cover what you should avoid wearing, positioning your camera and uploading additional media content to us. You can access the 1 page set of instructions here:

Once the final checks have been completed at the start of the Zoom recording, the interview will take no more than 15 minutes. 


Researcher profile questions that are typically asked are below. 

      1. What’s your name and current role?
      2. What has been your career or education to date?
      3. What is the area of research that you’re working in?
      4. What drives your passion in your work?
      5. What are your interests outside of work?

For case studies and research impact questions, our Producers will help with defining these.

Interviewee Consent and Release Approval 

We have a document that you need to send us either prior to or immediately after the recording which gives your Consent to being recorded, and approval to Release the recording through our show. If you have a Media, Communications, Regulatory or Compliance team to consult before you provide your final consent, let us know and we’ll wait until you email a final approval.

You can access the AUDIENCED Consent and Release Form here:

Once completed, it can be emailed back to the Producer, or uploaded here This link can also be used to send any photos or video footage requested. 

Interview Release

All interviews are released free of charge through Bench Side Story social media and digital channels. Links will be sent to the researcher and the person who has requested the interview. 

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